Lusis Mortal - Lusis
(Intense) 1992

1. "Enfleshed (the Word is alive)" (4:39)
2. "Mytho-X" (4:26)
3. "If Ever Maria" (4:21)
4. "Fisherman" (4:39)
5. "Painkiller" (4:52)
6. "Tuesday Assassin" (5:43)
7. "Rescinding" (4:54)
8. "Cryptic" (5:38)
9. "Miracle Man" (3:58)
10. "Santa Cruz" (4:30)
11. "S.F.N." (1:00)
12. "Sinister" (5:33)
13. "Enfleshed (alive is the Word remix)" (4:39)

Catchy, keyboard drenched industrial music from Gyro and Co. I like industrial bands like Generation and Circle of Dust, but it is quite obvious that those bands come from a different background than Mortal, whose background is obviously not in metal but in bands like Skinny Puppy. So, why do I own this disc then? Well, at one time in my life I refused to listen to anything but "Christian" music, so I was desperate for any good Christian music. I bought almost anything on the Intense label as most of my favorite bands were on that label (ie Deliverance, Vengeance Rising, Sacred Warrior, Mortification, etc.) Despite the initial shock, I eventually started to like this disc, although in my defense I must say that I don't play it that often anymore. Sorry, I have no other excuse. You may now commence the stoning.

Fathom Mortal - Fathom (Intense) 1993

1. "Alive and Awake" (5:42)
2. "Neplusultra" (4:17)
3. "Rift" (4:22)
4. "Jill Sent Me" (7:01)
5. "Ex-Nihilo" (5:16)
6. "Above & Beyond" (4:38)
7. (:05)
8. "Rainlight" (1:43)
9. "Bright Wings" (6:48)
10. "Xix" (:15)
11. "Promulgate" (4:19)
12. "Electrify" (7:06)
13. "Godspeed" (11:38)

Mortal adopt a harder edge style trying to follow (or lead) bands like Circle of Dust and Nine Inch Nails that were very popular in the early 90's, yet still retaining much of the funky dance beats of the first album. I liked this album when it first came out, and I bought this disc as a new release, but now it just annoys me. Over time Mortal has grown more irritating to me, rather than something I like better with age. To make things more annoying, the Crucified's "King" Soloman does some guest vocals. If all this is not annoying enough, track seven is a stupid rap, thank you song that is actually buried several minutes into track thirteen. I saw this band on this tour, with an even more annoying band opening up the show (The Echoing Green) in Albuquerque, NM. I must admit that Mortal put on an entertaining show, although most of the music seemed to be midi as opposed to real live musicians.

Suiciety Mortal - Intense Live Series Vol. 5 (Intense) 1993

1. "Lift" (3:22)
2. "Tuesday Assasin" (5:33)
3. "One Tree Hill" (4:05)
4. "Rift" (4:21)
5. "Thy Word" (3:59)
6. "Cryptic" (5:42)

This is the last in the Intense Records Live Series. Frankly the only reason I purchased this was to complete the "Intense Live Series" collection. After this the band changed direction with every wind of trend going the way "alternative" rock, completely abandoning the industirial sound. They have also broken up numerous times, saying that God told them to break up, only to reunite later down the road. In 2000 Mortal did a "reunion" gig/tour with alternative crap Stavesacre and rapmetal, P.O.D. wannabes Project 86. "One Tree Hill" is a U2 cover, "Thy Word" is an Amy Grant cover.

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