1. "Don't Need Rules"
(3:18) I actually discovered these guys by reading through The Collector's Guide to Heavy Metal by Martin Poppoff. Usually Martin is pretty brutal on pop metal bands like this, but for some reason Martin gave glowing reviews to Kik Tracee prompting me to look into them a bit more. "No Rules" is actually a good commercial, melodic metal release with quality, hook-laden song writing. The disc was produced by Slaughter's Dana Strum, so there is obviously some of Slaughter's influence on this disc, however, Kik Tracee have a slightly dirtier sound like Faster Pussycat, Britny Fox or L.A. Guns. Unfortunately, despite releasing such a strong album and, from what I have read, creating a MTV buzz, Kik Tracee were soon a victim to the depressing grunge scene of the mid-90's, when heavy metal, hair spray and talent became passé.
1. "Outta My Bed"
(4:23) Wow! Impressive album for an EP. Kik Tracee steps it up a notch from their debut in the songwriting department. It's a shame that grunge knocked this type of good time rock 'n' roll out of the water and Kik Tracee never got the recognition they deserve. I can imagine their follow-up to this EP would have been spectacular. This 34-minute, six song EP has everything from heavy metal to funk, and even some endearing acoustic moments. The album starts off with a choice hair metal rocker called "Outta My Bed". The very next track, "Field Trip," is bluesy, acoustic, sing-along romp that contrasts nicely with the heavier opening track. Other songs, like "Drop in the Ocean" also have that bluesy, acoustic Led Zeppelin vibe as well. This EP was recorded in Los Angeles at the same time as the L.A. riots. According to the liner notes, this really scared the crap out of the band. The liner notes say, "These songs were recorded with the intention of taking you to another place - hopefully a better place, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the field trip." Unfortunately this EP is out-of-print and difficult to find. Thanks for the hook-up James. |